Technology and Travel- The Brilliant Combo
While there are tons of apps which are designed for international travel, when it comes to visiting Mexico, and you plan to do a round –trip, road-trip or go off the beaten path, then there are tons of apps, which have specifically been created to help you when being out in the wild in Mexico.
The best apps for your travel in Mexico
1.) XE Currency Converter
This app will be a great help when it comes to currency exchange. It offers timely information on the daily currency exchange rates. It’s as accurate as possible and works with any currencies.
2.) Free WiFi finder
This app is intended to help you find the nearest WiFi spots in your location. It will also give you guidance on how to get there.
3.) mTrip
It contains tons of useful information about countries, cities internationally. The best thing about mTrip is that it works without internet too.
4.) Booking.com
Booking is a great app because it will give you tons of accommodations according to your preferences. It has reasonable rates, daily offers, and you can also manage same-day bookings with it.
5.) iTranslate
Another app that’s bound to work even offline, iTranslate can be a great help when it comes to translating to and from Spanish.
6.) Busolinea
An app specifically for those who need to take a bus in the North Mexico area. Busolinea shows you all bus schedules from an to all the cities and places in Northern Mexico. You can also buy tickets through the app.
7.) ADO Movil
If you are planning to make a round trip in Central or Southern Mexico, then this is the app that can help you the most when it comes to bus transportation. It features timetables to and from every location.
8.) Mi CDMX here and now
Mexico City is large enough to get lost pretty fast. This app helps you get around the most natural way possible.
9.) Atlas Turistico de Mexico
The recently upgraded Atlas app now covers the vast majority of Mexican cities, places or regions, it will quickly become your best hands-on guidebook to get more knowledge on the town, the town or an area you are about to visit.
10.) Mi Telcel
If you plan to stick around in Mexico for a longer time and also want to use your phone and internet for local rates, then it’s useful to save money with downloading Telcel.