How is tourism influencing the job market in the USA?
The United States of America is the largest economy that significantly leads other countries in international tourism and Travel exports. This is adequately supported by the stats that show that the country has generated approximately $1.6 trillion in the year 2017 alone. The surge in the economy has also facilitated the country’s job prospects, with over 7.8 million employed with the revenue gained from tourism. Statistics also attribute the economic growth to the large exports, accounting for nearly 11 percent of total exports in the country. One of the leading USA tech job portals has witnessed a steady rise in job prospects over the last few years, attributed to the tourism sector’s growing economic influence. Accommodation, food, and travel are three tourism sectors that account for a significant profit, almost approximating half of the total profit.
Accommodation is one of the leading sub sectors of tourism that accounted for a profit of about $300 million in the year 2017. These also gave rise to about 2.1 million jobs in the country. Whereas food and travel accounted for $254 and $270 million respectively, employing almost 3 billion professionals combined. The statistics show a tremendous impact of tourism on the overall economy forecasted to rise even more in the coming years. According to the leading tech portal in the USA, TechFetch jobs portal, the rise of tourism and the associated sub sectors are significantly influencing the job market with a whopping increase of tech jobs. Here is a brief go through of the USA’s major cities that have contributed abundantly to the 2.6% of the GDP and 8.9 million jobs in the country recently.
Top five US cities that banks upon tourism for revenue
Check Out – Tourism is a key element to the country’s economy. With the total revenue rising to a sharp $1.1 trillion in a couple of years and the tourism revenue contributing to 2.6% of the GDP, tourism has become a sector that employs a large workforce in the country. While a few states rely primarily on tourism to rake big bucks, a few others chanced upon tourism to increase their revenue. Texas, Florida, and California are the top three states that earn a fortune from tourism, which is estimated to be more than $100 billion in revenue. Similarly, the TechFetch jobs portal reports a consistent increase in job vacancies in the tourist cities of New York, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Virginia, and Illinois.
Find out which all states beat the others to become the highest revenue grosser.
Texas, one of the USA’s largest states, considers tourism as a major revenue provider for the state. The state is continuously expanding its tourism territory with half the Texas residents’ revenue. A whopping $15.4 billion is spent every year to keep the state employed.
The impressive coastlines unsurprisingly make Florida the top tourist destinations of the country. Florida is the third-highest revenue generator that solely depends upon tourism. With an annual revenue raking up to $112 billion, Florida is the most amazing country that counts on tourism. The Universal Kingdom and the Disney World further adorn the already beautiful place. The state is proud to employ about 757,100 professionals in the tourism sector.
New York
The iconic Statue of Liberty and the Empire State building are the major tourist attractions of New York city that earns a whopping 44 billion annually through tourism. The revenue generated keeps about more than 423,000 employees on the payroll. Not surprisingly, the tourism sector contributes to about 4.9% of the city’s total jobs.
Nevada is more than the splendid city visuals of Las Vegas that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to the state annually. The city alone generates about $65 billion as tourism revenue. The gorgeous Lake Tahoe is another main attraction that keeps the tourism industry rolling in Nevada. Tourism is undoubtedly the state’s major revenue generator, responsible for about 30 % of the state’s jobs.
The state is a jackpot for the tourism sector. It is responsible for providing more than 1 million jobs in the state and earning an overall $140.6 billion revenue annually. Apart from the great Disney Land and Golden Gate Bridge, the city also hosts long coastlines that are a haven to the millions of tourists visiting the state every year. It is also noteworthy to mention that domestic travelers dominate the tourist pool of California state, which almost approximates to about 80 percent.